Manufacturers and suppliers of a range of gas
anaesthesia apparatus, gas anaesthesia components and gas anaesthesia
Yoke Models
Yoke - Economy Model
We are Manufacturers & Exporters of different
Gas Aneasthesia Apparatus, Components & Accessories .
We Provide Yoke - Economy Model in two different Types :
Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous Oxide
It has been provided in Colour coded plastic cover, other components from
stainless steel to avoid rusting, pin indexed for use on anaesthesia
Yoke - Compact Model
The Compact Model of Yoke is available in two
models i.e in Oxygen & Nitrous Oxide with brass chromed, robust &
pin indexed for anaesthesia trolley.
Nitrous Oxide
One piece, brass chromed, robust & pin indexed
for use on anaesthesia trolley.
Yoke - Midget
We are manufacturers of Yoke - Midget , basically
used for domiciliary use, ambulances, mines, airports, railways and medical
disaster situations.
The Details are given Below.
Oxygen for use with F. A. Valve
Nitrous Oxide
Oxygen for use with Raos Regulator
For use other than anaesthesia trolley. Pin indexed, brass chromed,
specially developed for flush type portable cylinders for use with portable
anaesthesia apparatus.
Ideal for domiciliary use, ambulances, mines, airports, railways and
medical disaster situations.