Manual Operated resusitator with double inlet
valves For Air & Oxygen Attachments.
It is penumatically controlled, time cycled, flow
adjustable, positive pressure Ventilator to meet all emergency situations
for respiratory support. Easy to operate with Inspiratory, Expiratory &
Flow adjustments for breathing frequency of adults & Children for
Standard Accessories:
- Three Sizes face masks with tubing.
- Small oxygen cylinder.
- Single Stage Single gauge regulator.
- Cylinder Key.
- Provision to use bigger cylinder with Tubing fitted with metal end.
- Refilling Kit for Refilling the Cylinder.
Tidal Volume 100ML-1650ML.-Frequency 8-30 Resp.
per Min.-Insp. 7
Exp. Ratio 1:1 1:7. - Source 50
PSI Oxygen.
Oxygen flow Control from 0 to 10Lt./Min. Simply
turning by 02 knob. Supplied With Nasal Oxygen cathetor, Adult & Child
poly masks and Ventimask for Concentration of Air & Oxygen with Tubings.
Manually operated Suction Pump to aspirate the
mucus, blood or other secrations from the entire airways of Adult, Child or
Infants. It can also be operated from Gases by simply turning the suction
knob. Supplied with suitable Suction Catheter.